The Costs Of Raising Kids – Controlling The Expense: "Let’s face it – kids are expensive. Clothes are outgrown every few months and have to be replaced. Toys and games are never cheap, not to mention getting broken and tossed in the garbage heap. Movies and other forms of entertainment drain the pocketbook.
Books can seem expensive too, but books are so essential in the education of our children, this is not an expense that should be cut out of the budget. Think of books as an investment in your child's future. When my own daughter was tiny, I spent lots of money on goofy picture books that inspired her to giggle. The warm, fun times centered on books helped her learn to love reading. That opened the way for intellectual curiosity in general. Flash forward to college. She was rewarded with a full-ride scholarship worth almost one-hundred and forty grand over four years." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Nervous About Breastfeeding?
Nervous About Breastfeeding?: "Whether this is your first child or your seventh, sometimes breastfeeding can seem a little daunting. Some of the questions new mothers ask are 'how do I know my baby is getting enough milk,' 'how often should I feed him,' 'how do I know if my milk has come in,' and, 'should I wake my baby up to feed her?'
Let's discuss the answers to these questions." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Let's discuss the answers to these questions." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Looking For A Good Preschool For Your Child
Looking For A Good Preschool For Your Child: "The first rule of looking for a preschool is to start early. There are lots of other parents like you, trying to locate the best people to look and watch over their children. The supply of excellent preschools is limited. The best programs may have waiting lists, even selected admissions, so do not delay.
Naturally, you all have to consider some practical matters: must the preschool be near your home or workplace? How much time will I have to transport my child to and from preschool? How much can I afford to spend? (As you probably know, a good preschool is sometimes very expensive.)" ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Naturally, you all have to consider some practical matters: must the preschool be near your home or workplace? How much time will I have to transport my child to and from preschool? How much can I afford to spend? (As you probably know, a good preschool is sometimes very expensive.)" ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Developing Your Child’s Motor Skills
Developing Your Child’s Motor Skills: "Early childhood is a very physical time. Preschoolers devote much of their days to these kinds of actions for a simple reason: they must practice using their arms, legs, hands, and fingers. Scientists and educators refer to the process by which children slowly gain control over their bodies as “motor development.” They generally divide motor skills into two broad categories. Large motor skills involve muscle activities such as walking or moving one’s arms. Fine motor skills require the use of smaller muscles and involve more precise moments, such as using the fingers to draw."... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Feeling Stressed Out? Top Five Tips To Reduce "Mom" Stress
Feeling Stressed Out? Top Five Tips To Reduce "Mom" Stress: "What is exactly is mom stress, and why does it differ from other types of stress one may encounter? It could well be described as the loss of
ability to cope with the repetitive routine and mundane course of daily
child rearing for a specifically isolated period of time. Most moms will
suffer at least some form of mom stress before their children are grown. Moms may feel as if they can no longer handle the fighting, the crying, the tantrums and overall lack of adult interaction. Moms should not feel ashamed for identifying with any of the above, this just means they could use a simple change in your daily routine. " ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
ability to cope with the repetitive routine and mundane course of daily
child rearing for a specifically isolated period of time. Most moms will
suffer at least some form of mom stress before their children are grown. Moms may feel as if they can no longer handle the fighting, the crying, the tantrums and overall lack of adult interaction. Moms should not feel ashamed for identifying with any of the above, this just means they could use a simple change in your daily routine. " ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Parenting Teenagers – Teen Eating Disorders
Parenting Teenagers – Teen Eating Disorders: "Eating disorders have long been a serious problem among people of all ages. However, this disease usually begins somewhere in the pre-teen stages of life, and although many adolescent boys suffer with this disorder, it usually affects and is much more severe in young girls.
People who do suffer from an eating disorder like to place blame on factors such as television and family life-styles. Although these situations do influence eating disorders, the basis for this disease lies within the person whom it is affecting." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
People who do suffer from an eating disorder like to place blame on factors such as television and family life-styles. Although these situations do influence eating disorders, the basis for this disease lies within the person whom it is affecting." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Reading To Infants – The Benefits Of Starting Early
Reading To Infants – The Benefits Of Starting Early: "Did you know that the simple act of reading to your baby can have profoundly positive affects on both her intellectual and emotional development?
Reading to infants is one of the best, and cheapest, ways to bond to your little one and help her developing brain to grow. For a baby, plot and drama don't matter. Reading is more about the gentle vibrations of your voice, the warmth of your breath as you cuddle her close. Reading to babies delivers a soft comfort, the rhythmic sounds will both sooth and stimulate." ...(Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Reading to infants is one of the best, and cheapest, ways to bond to your little one and help her developing brain to grow. For a baby, plot and drama don't matter. Reading is more about the gentle vibrations of your voice, the warmth of your breath as you cuddle her close. Reading to babies delivers a soft comfort, the rhythmic sounds will both sooth and stimulate." ...(Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Eating a Health Diet During Pregnancy
Eating a Health Diet During Pregnancy: "Pregnancy is one of the most critical times in a woman's life, and is such it's critical that a woman to eat properly and take care of her body, almost more so than any other time in her life. Eating properly is not only necessary for the health the mother, but the growth and health of the unborn baby. Regular exercise is also important throughout the nine months of pregnancy. Both will make the pregnancy as easy as possible." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article)...
Parenting A Teenager - Changing A Bad Relationship
Parenting A Teenager - Changing A Bad Relationship: "Perhaps your child is about to enter the teen years, or he is already there and your relationship with your child has become strained.
Or perhaps your relationship has always been strained.
Whatever the case, you need to mend some fences so you can help your child work through this difficult age." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Or perhaps your relationship has always been strained.
Whatever the case, you need to mend some fences so you can help your child work through this difficult age." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Baby Proofing Basics
Baby Proofing Basics: "One of the first things that goes through a new parent’s head is the need for safety. Baby proofing your home is a major concern – and rightfully so. Many accidents that happen in the home can be prevented with a few safety precautions." ...(Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Social Networking: What's a Parent To Do?
Social Networking: What's a Parent To Do?: "MySpace and other social networking sites can be the most dangerous places on the Internet. They are youth-oriented, easy to use, and are magnets for predators. Internet predators go where the prey hang out. MySpace and other sites like it are made-to-order hunting grounds. " ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Autism Diagnosis
Autism Diagnosis: "Autism is a condition that can be treated, this is the prime reason why in suspected autism cases it is best that the diagnose be made earlier than later, it must be pointed out however that autistic behavior is not a frequent thing among health communities and families, so this should not be a major concern for parents. Nevertheless it is always recommended to use experts to establish some kind of diagnosis as regards to behavioral abnormalities." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article)...
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Jogging Strollers & Car Seats For Kids
Jogging Strollers & Car Seats For Kids: "Gone are the days that a stroller was just a stroller. Today, jogging strollers are extremely popular among the active parent who likes to combine a leisurely jog while taking their little one along for the ride. Designed to be used by either men or women, the jogging stroller was first introduced in the 1980's and has steadily grown in popularity since then." ... (Click on title link above to read entire parenting article) ...
8 Simple Tips On Potty Training Your Child
8 Simple Tips On Potty Training Your Child: "Have you tried potty training your child and it just isn’t going well? Some children fight every potty training attempt you will make, while other children are interested in potty training. You as a parent will be able to tell when your child is ready to start potty training. Two or three years of age is the average age for your child to start the potty training process. Here are some simple methods to help make it easier on both you and your child." ... (Click on title link above to read entire parenting article) ...
Does Your Child Have A Social Learning Disability?
Does Your Child Have A Social Learning Disability?: "Most parents know that the prevalence of learning disabilities is skyrocketing. Including other neurodevelopmental syndromes like ADHD, autism, and Asperger's syndrome, learning disabilities have unfortunately become commonplace in the lives of our children, and by extension,our families."... (Click on title link above to read entire parenting article) ...
Help With Toddler Separation Anxiety
Help With Toddler Separation Anxiety: "I try to leave my child and the minute I walk out of the room, she starts crying or screaming for me. Please help this gone crazy mom of how I can help my baby let me leave her for just a little bit. I think she has toddler separation anxiety but I just want to know how to overcome this." ... (Click on title link above to read entire parenting article) ...
Teen Self Esteem: How Parents Can Help
Teen Self Esteem: How Parents Can Help: "How many teenagers do you meet that really have a strong sense of self esteem? Not many if you tell the truth. It's a treat to find a fifteen year old who knows and likes who they are.
Healthy teen self esteem is first nurtured at home. A secure home life, supportive parents and a reliable extended family provide the launching point that allows children to thrive. From there it's a safe school environment and positive peer relationships that further affirm their feelings of being valuable to others."... (Click on title link above to read entire parenting article) ...
Healthy teen self esteem is first nurtured at home. A secure home life, supportive parents and a reliable extended family provide the launching point that allows children to thrive. From there it's a safe school environment and positive peer relationships that further affirm their feelings of being valuable to others."... (Click on title link above to read entire parenting article) ...
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Key Concepts of Exhibitions
Key Concepts of Exhibitions: "An exhibition may be broadly defined as a trade fair where various companies can showcase and demonstrate their newly launched and existing products in order to highlight their positive features to prospective customers. In an age where how well a product is marketed and campaigned about largely determines its commercial success, exhibitions are some of the major ways manufacturers and dealers can extensively market about their newly launched products. Unlike retail shops where products can be demonstrated only to a limited number of customers and prospective clients, since in an exhibition people from different regions all around a center come to view the products the number of visitors checking a company�s products is significantly higher. " ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Teens And Sex -- 5 Must Ask Questions
Teens And Sex -- 5 Must Ask Questions: "What I am about to tell you may save the life of your child. In today's world the safety and well-being of your teenager depends on his awareness and knowledge of sex.
It is critical that you, as a responsible and loving parent address that issue in detail. Here are some key questions to broach the subject, to let your child know you care and want the best for him.
Recognize he may be reluctant to speak about something so personal with you if you are not accustomed to sharing feelings and intimate topics. You may feel embarrassed bringing up the subject.
Before you do, be sure you can answer these questions for yourself. Also, decide what you are comfortable sharing about your personal experiences and beliefs on the subject of teen sexuality and activity." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
It is critical that you, as a responsible and loving parent address that issue in detail. Here are some key questions to broach the subject, to let your child know you care and want the best for him.
Recognize he may be reluctant to speak about something so personal with you if you are not accustomed to sharing feelings and intimate topics. You may feel embarrassed bringing up the subject.
Before you do, be sure you can answer these questions for yourself. Also, decide what you are comfortable sharing about your personal experiences and beliefs on the subject of teen sexuality and activity." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Mysteries of language development in children
Mysteries of language development in children: "You can don the mantle of a teacher to optimize learning
Since ancient times, parents have held a child's hand and taught him or her everything they know. Skills and ways to earn a living were handed down from father to son and mother to daughter. In the fast paced and ever changing world of today, you must know how a child learns in order to help it develop appropriate language skills. ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
The first step is to make time for the child in your busy schedule. Rework your life to give priority to the child. Spend quality time and read as well as sing songs to the child everyday. You could play soft music and other tapes like chants and so on in the child�s room at specific times each day. Music enhances memory and learning. "
Since ancient times, parents have held a child's hand and taught him or her everything they know. Skills and ways to earn a living were handed down from father to son and mother to daughter. In the fast paced and ever changing world of today, you must know how a child learns in order to help it develop appropriate language skills. ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
The first step is to make time for the child in your busy schedule. Rework your life to give priority to the child. Spend quality time and read as well as sing songs to the child everyday. You could play soft music and other tapes like chants and so on in the child�s room at specific times each day. Music enhances memory and learning. "
Do Disposable Diapers Make Potty Training Harder?
Do Disposable Diapers Make Potty Training Harder?: "Yes, I think disposable diapers make potty training harder. If you look at the average age a child was potty trained even just a generation ago, you can see that kids now take a lot longer to give up the diaper in exchange for using the potty. Let's take a look at some of the reasons that modern disposable diapers make it harder for your child to be potty trained and what you can do to make it easier on him or her."... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
5 Must Ask Questions For Anyone Potty Training A Toddler
5 Must Ask Questions For Anyone Potty Training A Toddler: "If you are thinking about starting to potty train your toddler, there are a few questions you should ask yourself before you begin potty training. Being well prepared for this challenging transition from diapers to potty is one of the best things you can do to make this as easy as possible on your child."
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Is A Private School Right for My Child?
Is A Private School Right for My Child?: "A school run by private authorities is a private school. Schools run by government are public schools. Although there are various demarcations between a private school and a public school, yet of late the gap between them is decreasing gradually. Both types of schools have their individual advantages and disadvantages.
Normally student-teacher ratio in a private school is favorable and around 9:1. Therefore, every child gets personal attention. Besides, teachers at such schools get a free hand to implement their teaching techniques and methods. Lack of governmental proceeding lessens the burden of paperwork on teachers. Therefore, they find more time for interacting with students." ...(Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Normally student-teacher ratio in a private school is favorable and around 9:1. Therefore, every child gets personal attention. Besides, teachers at such schools get a free hand to implement their teaching techniques and methods. Lack of governmental proceeding lessens the burden of paperwork on teachers. Therefore, they find more time for interacting with students." ...(Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Dining Out With A Toddler
Dining Out With A Toddler: "Dining out with a toddler can be a challenging experience. Still, having a toddler does not have to mean the end of dining out. By being prepared and following a few simple suggestions dinner out with your little one can be enjoyable.
Make sure your toddler is well rested. As parents we all know a cranky child can cause havoc.
If your child is old enough to understand what you are saying, give them a pep talk. Explain how you are going out for dinner as a family. Talk with them on how it calls for their best behavior. " ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Make sure your toddler is well rested. As parents we all know a cranky child can cause havoc.
If your child is old enough to understand what you are saying, give them a pep talk. Explain how you are going out for dinner as a family. Talk with them on how it calls for their best behavior. " ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Surviving Colic
Surviving Colic: "Colic is basically uncontrollable crying in a healthy baby. It can come as early as two weeks and last as long as three months. Typically they will cry for hours at a time and may do this a few times a week. If your baby is crying like this and appears ill of course seek medical attention. If you think your baby has colic but are worried or not sure don't hesitate to seek a diagnosis. Crying is the only way a baby has to communicate and the crying doesn't always mean colic. If your child is hungry or tired this can definitely produce a crying baby. Check to see if your baby is comfortable. Take into consideration your baby's personality some babies just like to be held. If all else fails there is a chance it is colic. I will say it again if you're concerned seek professional advice. Colic is stressful on you and baby but thankfully it does not last forever. Dealing with a colicky baby can be a true test on your physical stamina and emotional stability. I was lucky enough to endure it twice. At times I felt like I was going to begin crying uncontrollably my self. " ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Give Your Child the Gift of Self Esteem
Give Your Child the Gift of Self Esteem: "There is much talk about 'gifted children' but perhaps we would do well to remember that every child is born with unlimited potential.
'Deep within man dwell those slumbering powers; powers that would astonish him, that he never dreamed of possessing; forces that would revolutionize his life if aroused and put into action.' Orison Marden
Children with are "gifted" with high self-esteem are happier and more successful. Low self-esteem is common in children who are performing badly at school, have behavioural problems and suffer from depression." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
'Deep within man dwell those slumbering powers; powers that would astonish him, that he never dreamed of possessing; forces that would revolutionize his life if aroused and put into action.' Orison Marden
Children with are "gifted" with high self-esteem are happier and more successful. Low self-esteem is common in children who are performing badly at school, have behavioural problems and suffer from depression." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Positive Role Models for Your Child
Positive Role Models for Your Child: "Children naturally look for role models to shape their attitudes and behaviors. As parents, it is important for us to make sure that they have plenty of POSITIVE role models.
There are enough negative role models surrounding our children - and much of the adult world can be negative, apathetic or mediocre. If we don't actively focus on positive role models, then these other ones can dampen our children's natural enthusiasm and optimism." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
There are enough negative role models surrounding our children - and much of the adult world can be negative, apathetic or mediocre. If we don't actively focus on positive role models, then these other ones can dampen our children's natural enthusiasm and optimism." ... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
The Real Key to Making a Good First Impression
The Real Key to Making a Good First Impression: "Many people think that whenever they meet someone new, they have to put on a false front, or pretend to be someone they're not. Actually, being your real self will work better if you really want to connect with other people.
One of the most common reasons that people have difficulty making conversation with someone they don't know very well is because they put too much pressure on themselves to put on a great performance.
Because of this sense of pressure, they try too hard to be impressive, to talk a lot, and to brag about their accomplishments. They won't spend any time listening to and getting to know the person they are with. " ... (Click on title link to read entire article) ...
One of the most common reasons that people have difficulty making conversation with someone they don't know very well is because they put too much pressure on themselves to put on a great performance.
Because of this sense of pressure, they try too hard to be impressive, to talk a lot, and to brag about their accomplishments. They won't spend any time listening to and getting to know the person they are with. " ... (Click on title link to read entire article) ...
E-Cards- The X-Age medium to express your Emotions!
E-Cards- The X-Age medium to express your Emotions!: "Gone are the old days of perspiring in a card gallery to choose the nearest appropriate message to convey to your dear one on the varied occasions of life. This is an era which Introduces E-Cards. This now makes it easy and fun to send a customized message and song - a great way to tell someone you care. E-Cards helps people connect and express themselves in a fun and easy way. Today E-Cards are highly popular in all the sectors of life. From businessman to students from lovers to a family man they all agree that E-Cards are the coolest way to convey their message. Ready-made E-Cards save you time and money while still offering all the benefits."... (Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Sunday, March 19, 2006
The Impact of Parenting Styles
The Impact of Parenting Styles: "Watching a young girl hit, kick, and call her mother names I never imagined a 6 year old knew, engaged in an (ultimately successful) attempt to get dessert led to an enlightening luncheon conversation with a few friends last week. As parents ourselves, we had all dealt with incidents like this and had different opinions on how the mother should have handled the outbreak. As we talked, it turns out we represented the three most common parenting styles identified during the last 30 years of psychological research. What seems to matter the most is the level of parental demandingness and parents being responsive to their children's changing needs." ...(Click on title link above to read entire article) ...
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Empty Nest - an end of just the beginning?
Empty Nest - an end of just the beginning?: "Your child's college applications have finally been completed " you've survived the first part of the stressful college search. But for some reason, instead of feeling a sense of relief, you wake up with a sense of dread lurking somewhere in the back of your mind that you know has little to do with the four years of college bills you're about to face.
You probably thought it wouldn't hit until you drove away from the campus, leaving your son or daughter to fend for themselves for the first time, or when you got home and notice how quiet the house seems with one less person. But even now, months before, you're not sure you're ready, are plagued with questions about how you will fill the empty days or what it will mean for you." ... (Click on title link to read entire article) ...
You probably thought it wouldn't hit until you drove away from the campus, leaving your son or daughter to fend for themselves for the first time, or when you got home and notice how quiet the house seems with one less person. But even now, months before, you're not sure you're ready, are plagued with questions about how you will fill the empty days or what it will mean for you." ... (Click on title link to read entire article) ...
Sunday, March 05, 2006
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